BDSM sex stories of Darleene the Domina

Lately, I have been fascinated with BDSM sex stories, especially after reading all the novels of 50 shades of grey. I am a 47-year-old, single woman. I was married for a while but then he found someone bouncier and chirpier than me. He quoted this when he left me, “Darleene, she is way more experimental […]

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I witnessed fetish sex of my friends at Jose’s house

When my friend Jose started dating the delicate looking Camelia, the contrast between their looks was evident. He was well built and strong while she was slender and delicate. They were a perfect couple, or at least that’s what I thought until I happened to witness fetish sex of my friends. My name is Monica […]

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Her Slave-II

This is the part-2 of the story Her Slave. It was the weekend and he was super excited. His wife must have planned something special. Bdsm is a very new thing for him but he has been enjoying their little escapades lately and kinky sex. His heart was beating wildly in his chest as he […]

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Her Slave

He was tied to the bedposts with handcuffs, his legs eagle spread and tied to the other bedposts. A soft humming sound was coming from under him, wearing a chastity belt. He wriggled with pleasure. He was reaching the climax but the coldness of the belt was denying him the orgasm. He looked at her. […]

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