Recent Erotica Stories

My rendezvous with the coveted neighborhood hunk

I had been living in the quite neighborhood of Bloordale village since birth. My name is Janice. Being an introvert, I never had many friends and generally considered the nerd in the neighborhood. Elliot lived a few houses down the street and we have grown up together, going to the same school. He had always […]

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Banged by my love in a beautiful evening

It was 6’o clock in the evening and the sun was setting very beautifully. I had just gotten done with my work by signing the last paper. It was weekends and I couldn’t wait to go home. It had been about 4 months since I and my fiancé finally got married and we can never […]

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The new guy in the neighborhood stole my heart

I found out I am gay in my teenage days. Though my family was supportive but had one condition- I should not date in the neighborhood. We lived in a strictly catholic neighborhood which could be a problem. I was not bothered by the condition for none of the boys here ever appealed to me. I […]

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I had sex with my 50 year old neighbor

We recently moved to a serene and small town in Ontario. It is a quiet and almost boring place. My husband and I were forced to relocate here because it is nearer to his workplace. Once we had settled in, the days were mostly a monotonous routine. I am Amelia, 34 and this is a […]

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Sexual experience as an international student

I was travelling to Scotland for one semester during my postgraduate course and I was so looking forward to it. I had my flat booked and enrollment at the University of Edinburgh. The city was so pretty, a lot of historic buildings had been preserved. In fact, the place where I lived was also an […]

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Hot sex with Manager after Lockdown

“Bye! Have an amazing day!” I waved bye to my youngest kid. I had just dropped him off at school and now I was on my way back home. Life was boring, it had finally returned to being normal with school, office, traffic, and everything that comes with it. The lockdown had been pure torture, […]

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Sex In the Hotel with a Stranger

Sex with a stranger, sound strange? Isn’t it? But when both the people are ready, on the same side and excited for checking out each other, this strange feeling can turn kinky. I just finished hanging up the phone and sat in the hotel lobby waiting for my friend, I saw a hot man sitting right […]

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My first date and hot sex in the car

Have you ever had a wild fantasy? Some act which is wild and yet so hot that you desire it. I had one such desire and this is my story of how it was fulfilled. I had a fantasy of being pleasured and fucked outdoors. Something naughty. The feeling you have when you are naked […]

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