Recent Erotica Stories

My first night at school hostel turned out better than I thought

It has been a couple of hours since my parents left me at my school hostel. This was the first time ever I was living away from them anywhere. I was already depressed thinking about my first night at school hostel. The room was for two and by the looks of it, my roommate was […]

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The Hot new secretary became the office slut

Milani was new at our office. The ginger-head was pretty but she hardly knew her job. Needless to say, her looks and sweet demeanor worked out in favor of her. Now she is the new secretary for the CEO. Everyday when she walked in, heads turned in her direction while all the female employees made […]

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Jenna the best wild woman on bed

Back home for the holidays, I was bored as hell. College life in New York is much more exciting than an idle reclusive lifestyle in Iowa. But being the only son of my parents, I do not have much choice but give into their emotional nagging every vacation. No matter where they are, Indian parents […]

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My step-brother is a beast on bed

My name is Leslie and I am a sophomore student at the New York University. Living in hostel for a while, I love the city life here. I rarely go back home even on holidays. First, I love this urban culture and secondly, there is nothing much to go back to at home. My dad […]

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My train co-passenger was a horny aunty

Have you ever been on those overnight trains with private coups? Life can surprise you in many ways when you are on one of them. I learnt it through my experience during a vacation. She was the sexiest woman I have met in a long time. Though it was a chance encounter with a horny […]

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Self pleasure and hookup is what I need

Being a single woman in your late thirties is hard. But it is harder when you have a bunch of married friends discussing their latest affairs or sexual escapades with their husbands during every gathering. I have always been career-oriented and ambitious. I am a crime journalist. My hectic work life never gave me the […]

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I lost my virginity the first night of marriage

I am 34 years old- an Indian male living in the US. My name is Abhijeet. Deprived of romance since my late teens, I finally settled for arranged marriage. Mind you, my experience with girls was limited to one rejection during my college days and that is it. I had tried out dating sites with […]

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Bachelorette party brought in surprises for the gay man

It was my best friend Kevin’s wedding in a week. Our group of friends had decided to have a bachelorette vacation in Miami. I am Fred. In my group, I am the only gay man but my friends has always been very accepting and non-judgmental of my preferences. So, as we boarded the plane for […]

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