Recent Erotica Stories

The day when my best friend turned boyfriend

Kyle and I have been best buds since our primary school days. We have been together in everything since we were kids. It has been 14 years we played, studied and discussed everything going on in our life. We parted ways when we went to separate colleges. I am Andy, 22-year-old, in my freshman year. […]

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Third time lucky with a stranger

This has been the third date in one week that my aunt set up for me. I was bored to hell, thinking of my poor aunt’s distress for my lack of interest in males I came to this date set up by her to satisfy her demand. But it will never work out with any […]

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The Best Romantic Vacation Ever

Backpacking and going for solo trips at least once a year is a passion for me. I have travelled to many places all over the world. Recently I went for a trip to Austria. This was perhaps most fascinating trip I ever had. I am going to share with you some of the memorable experience […]

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I masturbated watching my old kinky neighbors.

I had recently moved into a townhouse in Chicago. This is the only building hosting six to seven families in our locality. I was really disheartened that I got posted here. It is such a deserted neighbourhood. There is no entertainment to look forward to. There are not many people either. Even the daily rations […]

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I ended up having sex with my manager’s wife

I know you guys occasionally wonder why I am so distant at times. I finally wish to confess to you the reason. I am not ignoring my friends- I just get lost in my thoughts about one night of my life. Though it was a one-night stand, it still haunts me from time to time. […]

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My first night at school hostel turned out better than I thought

It has been a couple of hours since my parents left me at my school hostel. This was the first time ever I was living away from them anywhere. I was already depressed thinking about my first night at school hostel. The room was for two and by the looks of it, my roommate was […]

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